
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Incarceratory Punishment

piratedan4/30/2024 7:32:20 pm PDT

re: #143 jaunte

does kind of feel like there’s a fulcrum of events happening, Fascism on trial, and yet Fascist elements trying to shut down free-speech, right to protest, while also acknowledging that the people protesting are shot thru with a certain number of bad faith actors and leaving us with the nuanced position of supporting a Palestinian right to exist and a two-party solution while the current leader of Israel is number one, a criminal, number two, a fascist and number three, if he’s removed from power is going to jail, so he’s got zero interest in cooperating and if the Right in Israel is going down, they’re going to shit on everything regarding any kind of legitimacy in the eyes of western democracy, no matter the guilt post WWII.

How the fuck do you thread that needle? Does Biden go old school and overthrow the current Israeli government? How will that look if he does? How do the millions of Israelis who are sick of what their government is doing kick his ass out?

I sure as fuck don’t have the answer and I am positive, no matter the answer, there’s going to be a whole lotta folks unhappy with it. I say this knowing full well that Hamas started this but the fact that Netanyahu has no concern about making his nation state a pariah is a step I am not sure many anticipated.