
Evolution Street Is One Way Only

Randall Gross9/29/2009 6:02:00 pm PDT

re: #135 Sharmuta

You would think this was a first for humanity, the way beck discusses it- that never before in the history of mankind have we ever been so brutal. Maybe he’s forgotten about the Crusades? The Spanish Inquisition? Most of the history of mankind has been filled with more brutality and cruelty than we see today.

It’s as if he thinks the past somehow had a higher value on human life than it does today. Just more evidence people like beck long to return to a past that never existed.

Incidents like that were much more prevalent from the 70’s through the 90’s, you just didn’t see or hear about them at a national level. They were just short paras in the crime blotter pages. Like there have never been gang fights before — remember the Crips and the Bloods?