
Insanity Break: Drunk History Vol. 1: Hamilton & Burr

William Lewis7/06/2012 7:05:46 am PDT

I’ve found very little in modern SF to be particularly memorable, at least positively, outside of David Brin, William Gibson, & Lois Bujold. So much of it is derivative, repetitive & dull writing that is over written so they can sell 3 volumes rather that one much better written book. And I won’t even begin talking about the pro-monarchist & far-right politics of many of them…

For what it’s worth, I’d rather go back and re-read “Lord of Light” by Zelazny, “Earth” by Brin or even the real deal LOTR again than try Song of Fire & Boredom or Wheel of Time again. Thankfully Brin has a new novel “Existence” coming out about a first contact situation 50 years in the future so at least I know I’ll have one good novel to read this summer. After that, I’ll find my copy of John M. Ford’s (RIP, Mike :( ) “The Dragon Waiting” which remains the best alt-history novel I’ve ever read.