
Possibly the Greatest Music Video Ever Made: Beck, "Colors"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/01/2018 12:09:58 am PDT

Wingnut preacher Matt Powell (age 22), who thinks LGBT should be killed in accordance with Biblical law:

… I believe if we study history — you know, the Confederates were able to shoot pterodactyls. You know, back in the Civil War. And they spread these things out. Anybody can look it up online. They spread these things out, and… this is a historical fact. So, you know, they spread this thing out and it’s got huge wing-length. It’s a pterodactyl they shot! So of course these things have been around. Now they went extinct, obviously. Slowly but surely. And so I don’t believe that just because… at some point in time, coming from your perspective, that… just because they stopped talking about it means that they never saw it. When we have all this evidence that they’ve seen it.