
When Dim Bulbs Attack (or, A Confederacy of Dunces)

changomo1/16/2011 11:53:53 pm PST

I’m not fan of Hoft, but as I said earlier…this terrible tragedy is an egg on the face of liberals that were all to quick to jump on the “Palin/Beck/Rush (or fill in the blank of whatever idiot blow hard) ‘made’ the shooter do it.

Hoft and some rightwing blogs are unfortunately falling for the same idiocy by painting the shooter as a “left” wing guy…

He is clearly neither if anybody would spend a little time reading the shooter’s own words/videos. In fact, I think after reading everything I could on him (including watching his videos) it’s clear to me he’s just plain old INSANE. His views do not neatly put in on the left or right. When was the last time you met an atheist guy that liked Hitler, Ayn Rand, Communism, pro-life, believed in 2012 Armageddon, etc…

But, as I stated earlier - LGF did fall in that trap to my great disappointment…