
A History Lesson From Bruce Hornsby & the Noisemakers: "The Black Rats of London"

BeachDem5/20/2017 10:10:25 pm PDT

re: #128 HappyWarrior

Thing is and this is why he’s a typical politician. He would have been thrilled to have PP’s endorsement. I guess in short my problems with Sanders are that he’s a typical politician who wants to sell himself to many people in my generation as the anti-typical politician and I’m sorry but he’s a typical politician in so many ways. Like his ideas, I get that but don’t act like Sanders is pure as the Vermont snow. That insults your intelligence.

That “I’m a grassroots kind of guy/gal” bullshit has filtered down too. One of the people running for our state party chair has been the state president of a Dem org/regional chair of a Dem org/state executive council member/national delegate etc. and ran as a “grass roots organizer.” Say what? (fortunately, didn’t win, because for all the titles, would have been terrible heading the party.)