
Overnight Hopen Thread

Salem1/20/2009 11:47:37 pm PST

Here’s a winner from a typical victorious Obot, today:

Here we go with the “liberals are intolerant” bullshit again
by OBSD Jan 20th, 2009
12:19:35 PM
Here come the fucktard neocons with that o’ chestnut: “I don’t understand why you liberals aren’t tolerant to people who think it’s okay to rape the environment, let an entire city drown, use their power to rob from the poor and give to the rich, start two endless wars to line the pockets of their corporate friends, steal people off of the street and torture them for 7 years, and have policies that are blatently racist and homophobic. Why can’t you tolerate those things?” See what a bunch of fucking retards you people sound like? See, if you base your entire life around raping everybody in the ass, like you neocons do, why whould I tolerate you?

Yeah, hope and change is obviously high on his list.