
Saturday Night Jam: Bob Schneider, C'mon Baby

A Mom Anon9/01/2013 6:29:58 am PDT


My husband’s employer decided that after working FORTY DAYS with no day off (and only being paid for 8 hours a day when he’s never worked an 8 hour day since he started)to give him 3 paid days. Oooh how generous. Last pay period he worked 138 hours, got paid for 80. He decided to make it a long weekend, good idea, right?

He has the flu. Poor guy. I suppose it’s a good thing his insurance kicks in today. Mine? I just found out it doesn’t take effect until 10/1. Seriously? Hopefully I don’t get the flu too. Not to mention that these assholes will not stop calling him. He’s been into work 3 times since Friday morning. I made him shut off the phone last night. This is bullshit.