
Einstein Wins the Great Race

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/29/2009 2:01:16 pm PDT

re: #151 lostlakehiker

Going off topic, but not entirely because it’s still science:

Question: I have a friend who argues that more CO2 is irrelevant because the CO2 already in the atmosphere has effectively blocked all thermal re-radiation to space in its absorption spectrum already. That is, CO2 is a blanket that covers part of the bed, and making that blanket thicker won’t keep us any warmer because we’re not losing any heat through that blanket as it is.

This strikes me as most unlikely, even preposterous, but it would be nice to have a solid refutation backed by links and evidence.

Ohhh wow, yes that is completely preposterous.

If you think about it for half a second, the maximal amount of trapping that could occur from CO2, would be if we had a 100% CO2 atmosphere. We are nowhere close to that.