
Simply Beautiful: Max Richter, "All Human Beings" (Official Music Video by Yulia Mahr)

Captain Magic8/16/2020 2:16:50 pm PDT

My older brother, a Trumphoorid and ex-Silent Service, went off on me saying I wasn’t watching the right news sources and nearly demanded me to read Gregg Jarret’s hagiographies on Trump.

Since he mentioned that he has a revolver and is looking to get a shotgun for home defense, I don’t think either myself or my mother will visit him anytime soon. Since he’s retired, all he has on is Fox News, and when we were talking about the COVID19 vaccine, he said again that I wasn’t reading the ‘right news sources’.

When I told him Trump was a lair, he cited the fence, immigration, and military as wins. And when I further pressed him about Trump’s idea about pardoning Edward Snowden, he dodged it.