
Announcing the Andrew Breitbart Bottom Feeder Awards for Right Wing 'Journalism'

NJDhockeyfan6/07/2012 8:01:38 am PDT

DailyPaulbots comments are hilarious on the news of Luap Nor conceding the race…

Do you think the Bilderbergs
Submitted by shuleba on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 07:06. Permalink
Do you think the Bilderbergs have already decided who the next president shall be? Putting the taxpayers to the onerous expense of a democratic election is just to maintain the illusion that your vote matters. I cannot shake the cynicism that has taken hold of me. …sorry!

The Bilderbergs don’t care whether its Obama or Romney.
Submitted by jetmba on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 08:27. Permalink
If Romney gets the nod from the Republican party, the Bilderbergs work is already done.

Submitted by Peggy R on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 07:30. Permalink
is the next POTUS. The Bilderbergs have made their decision.

It’s rigged and we all know it.

Bilderberg! It’s rigged! LOL!