
Dozens of US Governors Receive Notes Demanding Resignation in 3 Days

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/02/2010 12:10:15 pm PDT

re: #132 austin_blue

So gentlemen, there you have it. She has decided to groom me.

Aw, y’all are so cute!

Click to display image: Rhesusx2.jpg

Actually, that is about right.

A woman who has decided she is going to exhibit that sort of nesting behavior is declaring attachment. It’s actually kind of sweet.

If I may ruminate on romance and relationships a little…

A wise man gives his woman something she can “fix.” She then feels like she has accomplished something.

I will tell a story, that if it ever gets attached to my real name will cause the Sisterhood to Destroy all Evil Men to hunt and kill the subject of the story.

Some background. My little brother is, and has always been, anal retentive. I am not certain how he got so anal. We were all raised by the same parents and none of us were toilet trained at gun point, but somehow he came out that way. As a boy, of ten, he would iron, fold and color code his socks when he neatly ordered them in his drawer. He was the kid who liked to clean his room.

He married a truly amazing woman who is only slightly less anal.

Now here is one of the greatest gambits in male history.

Shortly after he was married, he took to tossing a socks (not always, but now and again) around the house when he got back from being on call at the hospital.

His wife, at first, tried not to notice. She made excuses that after all, he was working grueling shifts on call as a resident. But this was making her insane.

She confronted him about it.

My little brother, apologized profusely, talked about how hard the shifts were and promised to change. Over time, he cut off the offending sock habit, with the occasional “relapse.”

His wife was thrilled with him for being so considerate and making such an effort.

When he told me this story, I laughed a lot. Remember this is someone who as a boy ironed and ordered his socks. I marveled at the balls of his game.

He said, well, if you give them something they can fix, they get the satisfaction of fixing you and think you are super considerate. More importantly, it distracts them from trying to fix other things you like!