
ADL: Arkansas Shooting Suspect Was Anti-Government Extremist

Bagua5/21/2010 9:37:31 pm PDT

re: #107 austin_blue

No he’s been looking at the live feed for the last 24 hours which has the pipe that BP has claimed is recovering 5.000 barrels per day. You really should look at the feed on CNN of that pipe, If they are capturing 5% of that release, they are doing a damn good job. And they are capturing *nothing* of the release at the BOP stack that is estimated at 10 - 15% in excess of the main release (another 10,000 barrels per day).

Worser and worser.

Actually, the 5,000 barrel claim was a peak event, with an average daily capture of 3,000 barrels. I agree Wereley should be taken very seriously, but I’m not convinced that he is right or has all the data available to BP.

The 10-15% at the BOP stack is also a BP estimate, is it not? I noted elsewhere that BP had at one point also said their Insertion Tube could capture 85% of the spill.

The Insertion Tube is a nifty bit of kit, but doesn’t impress me much. They are obviously unable to respond properly with the current technology.

What do you rate are the odds the Top Kill could work?