
White House Press Secretary: GOP Support for Scalise 'Says a Lot' About Party's Values

3eff Jeff1/05/2015 5:37:37 pm PST

re: #69 thedopefishlives

Engineers seem to be the most prone to succumb to the whole “speculating on things outside their expertise” line of folly. I don’t know why that is; maybe just that our logical brains lock onto a problem and we fancy that we’re smart enough to learn the lingo and be passably expert at the subject matter. But it’s aggravating how many engineers I know who hold some truly idiotic beliefs or spout similarly stupid opinions.

Physics departments always hate getting letters from retired electrical engineers. It’s always the engineers that send in the letters (sometimes manifestos, occasionally thousand page exegesis) espousing some bit of quackery and expecting the physicists to be dumbfounded at their brilliance and hand him a Nobel Prize for his efforts.

(If not clear from the above: I’m an engineer.)