
Seth Meyers: Biden Sworn in as 46th President After Trump Leaves the White House

lawhawk1/21/2021 5:27:26 am PST

The challenges, risks, and pandemic that were wrecking our society before yesterday are still there today.

The difference is that we have a team of people in charge of the US government that gives a shit about more than just their personal enrichment and power. They are empathetic, sympathetic, and willing to do the hard work to improve the lives of all Americans.

Today, President Biden (love the ring of that) and VP Harris (or Madame VP if you prefer) - and I love the ring of that, will be focusing on pandemic related issues. They’re going to work on trying to get the vaccine logistics straightened out, improve public health messaging that has been a muddled mess since day one where Trump actively undermined the experts by refusing to mask or social distance and bullied everyone around him to do the same with dire consequences for them and us.