
Coming in 2012 - The Dumbest Presidential Candidate Ever

Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)11/17/2010 10:31:10 am PST

re: #24 HappyWarrior

Yeah, the primaries are going to be brutal if she runs. Don’t think for a minute hhat her opponents won’t hammer her for quitting on her state. She’s going to find out the hard way that it’s not only Dems and libs who want to see her go down in flames. Seriously though, I saw some clips from her show the other night and I could not believe I was watching a woman that some see as presidential. I try to be a fair man and unbiased but I can’t see her appeal at all even among right wingers. I mean really who would want this fool as president? She’s proudly ignorant not to mention petty and divisive as hell. I really think she’s everything the right says Obama is. She’s very narcisstic.

Dude, I’ve been saying this since 2008. Olympia Snowe looked like she wanted to rip her face off a few times.