
All Over the Right Wing Media Sites, Commenters Calling for Genocide of Muslims

ObserverArt1/11/2015 3:33:35 pm PST

re: #153 The Ghost of a Funky Discarded Egg

I actually think it’s not a good idea to grant legitimacy to the terrorists as “religious.”

If for no other reason than that these takfiri groups are specifically trying to construct a narrative in which they are the only representatives of Islam, and their opponents are the Evil Christian/Jewish/Secular amalgam. Indeed, the reason they kill so many Muslims is precisely to maintain that “shut up, we are the True religion” stance.

In propaganda, just like a physical battle, you don’t let the opponent choose the field of contest. These Islamic terrorists want us to echo their worldview; they want reciprocal hate, they want absolutist, eliminationist talk. They want a “West” that mistrusts Muslims, that discards freedoms or applies them unequally, because their assertion is that it’s all surface-deep…that we’re really still Crusaders and colonialists.

I’m dumbfounded by the people in this country who are like “we should be just as bad.” Fucking rubes…rubes several times over, since they’ve been conned by the takfiris, then conned again by the hate groups of this nation.

This gets to what I was saying too. I like the word you used…propaganda. It is as big a fight as the war on terrorists. It is a fight over minds for clarity about who the real enemy is.