
The Bob Cesca Show: Bigotsplaining

Lidane8/03/2017 8:03:03 pm PDT

The Freeper meltdowns over Mueller’s grand jury continue apace. Have some derp:

“THERE WAS NO RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE.for God’s sake supoena Seth Rich’s computer he is the one that leaked EVERYTHING To wikileaks”

“Can evidence of the unmasking and Clinton corruption be added?”

“Sessions must be fired but know this absolute fact— A president can never be indicted. separation of powers and 200 year of standing precedence. Also all indictments of the innocent for political purposes may receive immediate presidential clemency. This is a witch hunt gone berserk and it must be stomped in the mud!!”

“Trump is the greatest patriot of our generation, but I think we’ve lost our country. The corruption and treason are so pervasive that there is no peaceful solution possible.”

“DC, lost in foreign and domestic antiConstitution centrifuge.”

“They will never touch our elected president. We will not permit it. This is the greatest thing that could havehappened for his massive reelection. people are now PISSED!!My wife is livid!! You don’t want my wife livid!!”

“you absolutely cannot indict a sitting president. It is separation of powers. also He has the absolute power of pardon. This is all silliness in a sea of ignorance.”

“Democrats are despicable.. They will _create_ bogus charges against Trump White House because they are of a ‘means to an end’ mentality. Their end is total Power and Control.. They care Nothing about the TRUTH. They care Nothing about what is Best for America.. And as for all the do-nothing SOB Republicans in Congress, they will pay in Primary. Our country will not go down.. Mark my words.. Patriots will come out of the woodwork to save her.”

Wow. Robert Mueller is in VIOLATION OF THE LAW for his conflict of interest in this matter and.. NO ONE IN THE DOJ OR CONGRESS CARES. If the DEMONRATS want CIVIL WAR by trying to remove Trump, THEY WILL GET ONE. AND A BIG, BEAUTIFUL AND BLOODY CIVIL WAR”

“WHAT THE MF SHIT IS THIS?!!!!! God help us because there is going to be fireworks coming out from a stick if those asshole try anything!!!!! THIS IS A CALL TO ARMS!!!”

Fun times.