
Scientists Overcome by Hopenchange

Walter L. Newton1/22/2009 12:32:52 pm PST

re: #83 Charles

While some of this is no doubt due to expectations of increased funding, I think there’s more to it than that, and that some scientists do have valid criticisms. The Bush administration was pretty heavy handed, and not always very smart in matters of science.

I think the Bush administration was VERY smart when it came to science. Especially science that would step on the profits of the big money sponsors of our government.

I lost my job because Bush cut funding to the National Renewable Energy Lab, which has a 25 year record of practicable transferable technology that has added to our knowledge of sustainable energy alternatives.

This was not a lab that produced pipe dreams and go no where projects. It wasn’t until Bush began to run for his second term that he promised to restore certain funding levels to the lab.

In short, he played politics with my job and my life, science be damned.