
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): God Sent Hurricane Irene to Tell Us to Cut Spending

Killgore Trout8/29/2011 10:54:06 am PDT

re: #147 Rightwingconspirator

TARP was lots of money, with pork fat added, and hundreds of pages of inadequate oversight and lessons not applied. Today we do not have TARP, we do have the same lack of oversight. The same lack of enforcement and investigations. We can only blame the sitting Congress, Senate and President for those current poorly applied lessons. Nobody went to jail as the people involved had cover bought and paid for via campaign contributions to both parties.

Did you see where BofA was foreclosing on a home because the elderly couple sent the payment early after going through the govt process to help them? Of course they changed their minds after it hit the papers.

I had to check for updates. Much of the opposition to TARP is misplaced and based on bad information. Here’s the latest….
US gov’t recovers nearly $900 mn in TARP bailout

“As a result of these dispositions and other TARP repayments and income, taxpayers have now recovered $314 billion (76 percent) compared to the $413 billion disbursed to date for the program,” the Treasury said.

We’ll see how much of the money we get back but it needed to be done. There really wasn’t any other solution.