
Susan G. Komen Official Resigned in Protest Over Planned Parenthood Cut-Off

Kragar2/02/2012 12:41:14 pm PST

Komen Head Claims Response To Planned Parenthood Decision Is ‘Very Very Favorable’

MITCHELL: What do you do about the fact that donors are pulling back. Some people would say that the anger that’s being expressed is going to hit you in the pocketbook. You have worked so hard to create a bipartisan organization. Look at your Facebook page. Your Facebook page has people cutting pink ribbons in half. Your branding is at stake.

BRINKER: Andrea, all I can tell you is that the responses we are getting are very, very favorable. People who have bothered to read the material, who have bothered to understand the issues — again we work for a mission, everyday of our lives.

The mission of selling pink crap?