
Tigran Hamasyan Is on His Own Incredible Level: "The Grid" (Live)

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/30/2021 4:46:36 pm PST

Me trying to convince some visiting extraterrestrial that cream cheese frosting is special:

Me: have you ever tried cream cheese frosting?
Alien: Is that something made from the squeezing of the teats of a four-hoof animal?
M: Yes.
A: The fluid meant for the animal’s calf?
M: Yes.
A: And then you separate out some of the fat and solids from that fluid?
M: Yes.
A: Then you let that semi-solid ferment just a bit, to turn sour and a bit more solid?
M: Yes.
A: Then once it is sour, you mix it with the residue left from evaporating off the water extracted from a tropical grass?
M: Yes.
A: And you call that “good food”?
M: Very much so.