
Atheist Group in SC Would Like to Volunteer at "Christian" Soup Kitchen -- Denied!

steve_davis11/03/2013 5:30:29 pm PST

I agree that the spokesperson for the soup kitchen sounded like kind of a jackwagon, but I kind of see the soup kitchen’s point. It’s a Christian-centered soup kitchen. They aren’t interested in being helped by people who think Christians are a bunch of gullible fools who pray to a big fairy in the sky, any more than Jews would be eager to have the local Stormfront movement volunteer to help them in their particular charitable efforts. Atheists do not occupy a good portion of Dante’s hell. They deny the immortality of the soul, and hence they get jammed into various tombs, until Judgement Day when, according to Dante’s view of things, they’ll be given their bodies back and THEN jammed BACK into the tombs. I’m a much more charitable Christian than Dante was, but even I don’t have a lot of sympathy for the triumphalistic douchebaggery that atheists online seem all to eager to demonstrate in discussion threads.