
Sarah Palin: Doubling Down on Bigotry

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/21/2010 1:44:35 pm PDT

Charles hit on one of the greatly ironic things about Palin in all of this: her use of feelings.

I’m reading a couple of books about Godel right now (and thinking of writing a long Pages entry on how they apply to what’s going on today and to LGF), and one of the authors makes a really good point about intuition - on how bad it can be. One of the caveats is that when speaking of intuition in an intellectual (or mathematical) sense one is not speaking of feelings.

Palin is playing the feeling of offense to identify with the emotions of those of whom she will try to get to vote for herself in a coming election. In this she is right up there with the best of demagogues.