
Omniscient Bus Driver Refuses to Drop Woman off at Planned Parenthood

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks7/24/2010 10:11:06 pm PDT

Talk about a misleading headline:

Did Abortion Views Lead to Firing? [Cached Link]

Here, the ACLJ site basically cut and paste from an Austin area news site. The argument the ACLJ is making? That the employer violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which “prohibits discrimination by covered employers on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin”.

Anyone with half a brain can see that he was fired for refusing to do his job, and not because of his religion.

If Graning is an ordained minister I am sure that was not a secret to his employers who, if as the ACLJ claims fired him for his religious beliefs, would have fired him long before this incident.