
Eric Cantor to Netanyahu: The GOP Majority Will Be a 'Check on the Obama Administration'

SanFranciscoZionist11/13/2010 11:19:04 am PST

re: #3 Killgore Trout

Israeli politics is complicated. I don’t really understand much about it. There was a brief attempt to start an Israeli Tea Party as an anti Obama movement a month or two ago but it flopped. The hardcore far right settlers tend to not like American involvement no matter who is in the whitehouse. That’s not surprising because they usually don’t care for whoever the Israeli Prime Minister is either.

Please remember, also, that there’s a difference between Israelis who are American-born or with strong American ties, and those who aren’t. We tend to hear a lot from the former group because, well, they speak English, but they aren’t necessarily representative in any way of the Israeli public.