
The Right Wing's Unbelievable Hatred Of Michelle Obama

Orange Impostor11/15/2011 12:16:12 pm PST

re: #9 wee fury

The hate for Sarah Palin is strong from the left.

Okay…. I challenge you to find a statement even close to equivalent regarding Sarah Palin as I found on this article:

Note: I’m doing some mild censoring of the quote -

We have to be worried that each US N*gra like her are popping out 25 racist, vicious,hateful n*gglets each.
Black population is exploding in all Continents. God save Us from this plague.!

Tootrue4you and 5 more liked this

And for good measure, the comments picked up on the Marie Antionette angle…..

gommygoomy 8 hours ago
I am sick to death of this Bow Legged, man looking, WOOKIE, telling the rest of us, what to do. She’s off, AGAIN, on another MILLION DOLLAR VACATION. Hawaii. Australia, and some other FOREIGN Country. Who takes all of these Luxury Vacations? It’s not the 99%. Who racks up over $10 MILLION in Vacation Expenses, in 3 YEARS? Millionaires and Billionaires, that’s who.
The Hypocrisy of this Lady Macbeth makes me long for the Guillotine. And with Her Majesty, the African Queen, lecturing the Great Unwashed on what is the Proper Food Etiquette, for Serfs? She, with her wide load in the back of her pants, and her Effeminate Marxist Husband at her side, will settle in fir their Cheese Fries, Big Macs, Kobe beef, Iranian Caviar, and the Finest Wines and Champagne.
I look forward to the sound of The Blade, as it hits bottom.

Moving to AZ…legally and 43 more liked this