
Greenwald on the Amash Amendment: Obama Is Literally in Cahoots With GOP

twisty7/25/2013 7:32:23 pm PDT

re: #144 ProTARDISLiberal

I went to Netflix to watch Doctor Who ovewr Streaming. One problem.

Out of the 157 Stories of Classic Who, they only have 18 available for streaming. I am a grumpy panda. Why exactly? And will the free month cover DVDs too?

I’m not totally sure why, but I think they like to keep licensing costs low by not hosting the less popular shows. There’s probably some break-even point where the popularity & ad money outweighs the cost of hosting and licensing fees. Netflix can sometimes be really screwy on what they have available — it took an unbelievably long time for Mad Men season 5 to show up for example.

As for the DVDs, I’m not sure, if you don’t remember them mentioning it when you signed up and if it doesn’t let you order a DVD it’s probably not available.