
Video: School and Zoo Booby-Trapped by Hamas

CapeCoddah1/11/2009 1:48:47 pm PST

re: #119 MandyManners

I thought Ratzinger was gonna’ fix that.

See Killgores politician comment/ #118. It has long been my belief that money is the biggest motivator for the Vatican. The final straw for me regarding Catholicism was when I found out that Rome would support 3 illegitimate children per priest, but still refuses to let priests marry. It is OK to break your vows, but not to raise your family publicly. Hypocrisy 101. ( I always believed priests should be allowed to marry. Demanding a human being be celibate is unnatural, and damned near impossible to ask of them, so they have to live a lie, and deny their own children if they wish to continue in their chosen profession. That is cruel punishment for people who wish to dedicate their lives to the service of God and mankind. It is also a HUGE reason the church attracts pedophiles into its ranks. The code of silence and the protection given so as not to sully the church. How’d that work out for you, Holy Father?