
Why Theocratic Nationalism Imbues GOP Debates: A Look at American Values

Gepetto11/20/2011 11:24:05 am PST

re: #68 Jdorfma4

so your argument is basically that their hatefilled religious bigots are worse than ours because ours haven’t been more successful? Good point, I see your impeccable logic.

You would rather live under a Christian theocracy than an Islamic one. You’re Christian. How shocking. I’m Jewish, I would rather live in an Islamic theocracy than a Christian one. You both want to kill me but at least they have the decency to tell me that to my face. Honor.

Lord save me from your followers.

where are these Christian Theocracies you’d rather avoid? President Obama is a Christian, but I hardly think he is leading a Theocracy here.