
People Magazine Writer Comes Forward to Describe Sexual Assault by Donald Trump

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)10/13/2016 12:46:00 am PDT

I wonder.

Might one of the stories about to drop have anything to do with The Donald using abortion as birth control back in his wild party days in the 70s and 80s? Or 90s?

Or, hell, last year? He doesn’t sound like the kind of Alpha Make who wraps that rascal, does he? Not that there should be stigmatization, or denial of health services to people who need them, or all the tricky shite that the Xtians have tried to pull the last decade or so. But Drumpf fits the profile of the type of guy to say, “Hey, that’s your problem. Here’s the name of a clinic. It’s all taken care of. Sign this non disclosure.”

What would the evangelicals do with that kind of revelation?