
Serious Seth Meyers Interviews Chris Hayes, Who Is Worried About the Next Election and You Should Be Too

BeachDem10/14/2021 3:57:14 pm PDT

re: #152 2020 Blue Wisconsin

An older interview, but one I’d never seen before:

Unsolved Mysteries Of Quantum Leap With Donald P. Bellisario

I really miss that show. Going to have to find out what service is streaming it these days and re-watch it.

I could not find it streaming anywhere, so bought the boxed set of DVDs. Didn’t regret it for a minute. I LOVED that show when it was first on and, for me at least, it held up fantastically 30 years later. (I always loved the bit of trivia about why Al was always smoking cigars, and found out that Dean Stockwell suggested it, figuring it was a great way to get free cigars for as long as the show ran.)

Edit to add—hey, looks like NBC is streaming it.