
Catholic School Rejects Child Because Parents Are Gay

lurking faith3/09/2010 9:45:06 am PST

Late to the thread…

Look, the fact is, a parish school has the right and the duty to promote the values and beliefs of that parish’s church. Whether you, or I, or anybody outside that church likes those beliefs or not. Transmission of their own faith to the parish’s children is THE reason for a parish school’s existence.

In my own experience with Catholic schools (K-12), teachers and parents were required to avoid living in open public opposition to RC teachings. The system might hire a divorced teacher, but if he/she got remarried, then he/she could not stay. A parish school is often a very tight community, in which the kids know the families of all their classmates quite well. Parents are involved, and are expected to be good examples. Because of this, when you say “let the little girl attend the school,” you are ALSO saying “the school should promote homosexual couples as perfectly ok, regardless of the church’s belief, and show this by example to children starting at age four.”

You can object to those beliefs all you want to. Criticize publicly. Picket. Write to the parish. Write to the diocese. Write to the Vatican. Go for it. (Who knows? In a century or two, they might even come around.) But objecting to the idea of a religious-based school actually promoting its own religion is fairly ridiculous.

If you genuinely think that religious belief should only apply inside the church building for an hour or so on Sundays, and not be involved in every aspect of a person’s life, then you do not understand the nature of religion.