
Overnight Space Photo: The Glory of Saturn's Rings

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam3/07/2014 6:20:10 am PST

re: #142 GunstarGreen

I’m sorry, but how exactly does one ‘out’ a person that was willfully taking part in a VERY public display?

She was performing under a stage name, not her real name, and AFAIK did not advertise the fact she was a porn actress at Duke. The boy (I will call him a boy, because I’m old enough to be his father) who outed her shared the news with his frat brothers, and the information quickly went viral. He could have been more respectful of her privacy, or at least her dignity, instead of saying, “WOO! Fellas, this girl is a student here and her name is …” As for her, she should have never expected to remain incognito forever. It’s not like college kids ever watch porn, or anything.

Also, it’s only public in the sense that someone paying for the porn could find her. She was not shagging somebody outside in the quad, or at Mardi Gras, or on broadcast TV.

Movie stars are entitled to privacy. Why not porn stars too?