
Trump's New Campaign Leader: The Man Behind Alt-Right Hate Site Breitbart "News"

Blind Frog Belly White8/17/2016 11:29:42 am PDT

This whole thing is just nuts.

I mean, last night Trump gives a teleprompter speech which his minions, and even some of the press, said looked like outreach to the black community*. And this morning, he stomps all over any positive press he might have gotten out of it to do a campaign shake-up that points in EXACTLY the opposite direction of reaching out to ANYONE except the people whose votes he’s already locked up.

I’m sure there are some folks out there who will say, “Genius move! Trump’s playing 11 dimensional chess, while Clinton is playing checkers!”, but seriously - once you have 100% name recognition, as Trump and Clinton have, you actually have reached the point where there IS such a thing as Bad Publicity.

* Okay, so really it was outreach to the Alt-right community, who have always wanted a Presidential candidate to talk down to the black community in just the way Trump did.