
National Day of Wingnut Blogger Paranoia

Eclectic Cyborg6/08/2012 12:54:04 pm PDT

We don’t want the gubmint running our healthcare into the ground!!

Or do we?

If the Supreme Court strikes down part or all of the Affordable Care Act, a strong plurality of the public wants Congress to try again to come up with a comprehensive health care law to guarantee insurance for all Americans.

Forty-six percent of respondents in a new poll favor that ambitious approach, while 18 percent say that Congress should be content to “pass smaller measures that will cover some people without insurance but not as many as the original law.” Meanwhile, 28 percent of respondents said that Congress should simply do away with all of President Obama’s 2010 law, including any parts the Supreme Court may decide to uphold.

The results appear in the latest edition of the United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll.

The near majority—46 percent—that favored trying to come up with another law providing health insurance to all Americans shows a public that still has an ambitious agenda for Congress at the same time that it’s wary of parts of the Obama legislation.

According to the poll, some 74 percent of Americans want the Supreme Court to strike down the individual mandate that’s at the heart of the Affordable Care Act. Only 23 percent wanted the mandate upheld, and 3 percent didn’t know or refused to answer.