
Video: Meat Loaf Serenades Mitt Romney

HoosierHoops10/27/2012 1:53:42 pm PDT

3 1/2 hours till Game time here in Oklahoma. It’s already completely insane here. This morning I dressed Winston in his pirate outfit and walked him over to campus to watch College Game day from ESPN. LOL. He has never been around 10’s of thousands of students drinking since the sun came up.
He had so much fun.. His head was on a swivel having cheerleaders and thousands of girls petting him.. Ahh What’s his name? He is so cute!
Yes Winston.. You owe me..Who else would bring you to the middle of crazy?
I sold my ticket for 700 bucks..It cost me 97 dollars last spring.
We missed the Notre Dame Marching band in Noble this afternoon. It’s just to crazy today to drive anywhere.
Go Oklahoma!