
Hamas in Minnesota

Taqiyyotomist2/02/2009 8:32:55 pm PST

How about: anyone caught actually burning a flag in a demonstration gets photoed and fingerprinted. Same with anyone caught with any sign or material in their posession which contains advocacy for terrorism, extermination of Jews, or even love of dictators past or present. Anyone caught screaming “death to Israel” or “Death to America” or any of the provably violence-inciting Arabic phrases which are commonly screamed, they get fingerprinted and photographed, too. “These people,” people who exhibit these behaviors, should definitely be considered, Officially, dangerous.

This way we’re not profiling based on a religion, but upon behavior.

But no. We can’t even do that. We must watch it when we say “these people”, since we can’t even quantify or codify who we mean by “these people”, not even with careful consideration of sets and subsets of behavior and overlapping patterns — naming any group, no matter how well-defined, is de facto prohibited, is racist, is a “broad brush”, by the new conventional wisdom, ironically a suicidal foolishness.