
Another Dinosaur-to-Bird Transitional Fossil

Kenneth6/23/2009 6:49:43 am PDT

re: #148 iceweasel

Since abortion is legal, and will remain so, and since no-one in the US is actually ‘pro-abortion’,

In fact there is a very small minority of people, extremists for sure. who are pro-abortion. No, they are not representative of the pro-choice camp, but they do exist.

I wish both the anti-abortion and the pro-choice crowd could work together on finding ways to limit the need for abortion.

It seems as if there should be a broad coalition of people from both camps who could work together, especially if they care about women’s health.

The current polarisation of the debate makes this impossible, and it’s a shame.

I am all for that. Hillary Clinton stated her position on abortion as “ideally it should be legal, medically safe, a woman’s choice, and extremely rare.” Better education and availablity of contraception would be essential to reach that goal. Part of that education must be the acceptance of facts on both sides of the debate. Both sides are blinded by myths and willful ignorance.

As you point out, the anti-abortion side tends to be anti-contraception. However, the pro-choice side ignores the fact that about 70% of abortions are performed for reasons of birth control. Cases involving birth defects or rape or incest represent a much smaller percentage. And that issue Obama so artlessly dodged in the election campaing? It’s a medical fact, human life does indeed begin at conception.