
Was Russia Behind the Stolen CRU Emails?

Gus12/06/2009 10:55:41 pm PST

re: #136 freetoken

I used to be quite the environmentalist. I used to have documents all over my room as a teenager including RARE literature from the Forest Service. Ansel Adams, Colin Fletcher, Helen Caldicott (yeah I know she’s anti-nuke but I’m not), Sierra Club, hiking, biking, camping, running, etc. I studied satellite solar power stations. Wrote to congressmen, got petitions signed, etc. I used to think of myself as an eclectic utopian futurist of sorts. During that time I was rather fatalistic about our environmental future.

Over the years I lost interest. I still have an interest in the environment and the future of humankind but it’s not the same as it was in my youth. I’ve replaced my global fatalism with my own personal fatalistic view. At times I find it frustrating that during the 1980s some of these ideas were largely ignored. Frustrating in that it took over 20 years for people to suddenly start thinking about the future of the world. But that doesn’t last for long because my own personal grief has overtaken those worries.