
Jim Hoft Falls for Obviously Fake Facebook Page to Link Loughner to Obama

Big Steve1/10/2011 11:41:40 am PST

re: #130 000G

As lawhawk pointed out, all the rightwing arguments have three basic forms:

1) Tu quoque: The other side has done similar things that are bad in a similar way, therefore we cannot so bad after all, can we?
2) No True Scotsman: Anything bad that has been done was nothing that was in any way shape or form reflective of, informed or influenced by anything from our side simply because we are essentially good. Note: They will limit the bad to the strictly undeniable criminal and what passes for “leftwing” in their eyes.
3) How dare you politicize this!

as far as I can see the arguement used by all sides of the political spectrum is “hurrah for our side”