
John Oliver Explains SLAPP Suits, an Intimidation Strategy to Shut Down Public Debate

KGxvi11/11/2019 2:00:49 pm PST

re: #158 DangerMan (misuser of the sarc tag)

i posted this downstairs
any other legal eagles want to weigh in?

Help me because i am totally confused about Bolton:

- he wants the courts to decide whether he can answer the subpoena and testify, or not
- and he’s writing a book

so assume he doesnt testify, mostly because timing is a factor and the courts are slow.
- could he include what he would have testified to in the book?
- ie impeachment related, and/or ukraine-gate - - I dont see how because that would be absurd
- what about anything / everything else - ie general stuff ——- i dont see how he could write a book at all if he wouldnt agree to testify about the exact same things to congress
- because he, and everyone are taking an all or nothing approach - not appearing at all vs appearing and declining to answer certain questions.

- if he does include all or a lot of this stuff in the book then none of these ploys not to testify make any legal sense to me
- if not, then likely it’s just another book of dirt, just new stories & mostly meaningless

The scope of the subpoena is wider than the scope of the book. At least with respect to the criming of Trump.