
Creationist Unanimously Elected to Lead SC Republican Party

Last Mohican5/18/2009 7:25:44 pm PDT

re: #121 HelloDare

I’ve written Steele and the Republican party several times asking what their position is on creationism. Never got a reply.

My guess is that they are going to put some kind of language in the platform that can be interpreted as supporting the teaching of ID in schools.

It’s depressing to realize this, but it seems to me that the creationism issue splits the Republican party’s membership almost right down the middle. That being the case, Steele and the RNC’s purposes would be best served by asking the pro-creationism activists in the party to please shut up, before they fracture and weaken the party even more than they have. But they’re not shutting up, they’re just getting louder and louder.

Hence my wondering if the RNC had decided to take a stand on this at the national level. Or are they just going to let the crazies get worse and worse until they start demanding that science classes give equal time to the theory of the geocentric universe and the theory of the flat Earth being held up by a turtle?