
Washington Post Headline: Trump Attacks Protections for Immigrants From 'Shithole' Countries in Oval Office Meeting

Eclectic Cyborg1/11/2018 3:24:47 pm PST

- The People of Puerto Rico are facing extreme hardship over an avoidable crisis.

- The people of some Southern Alabama counties are developing cancer at an exceptional rate due to poor septic services

- Millions of children have been booted off their health insurance for no good reason.

- Hard working, law abiding immigrants have been rounded up and deported

- An order has just been signed to begin Oil drilling along all of our coasts with zero concern for possible environmental impacts.

- Decent healthcare is all but inacessible to anyone except the rich and super rich.

- Hundreds of thousands of disabled people on Medicaid are now being expected to work or lose their benefits.

- The Internet is now an exploitable corporate asset and not a free right for everyone.

- The people of Flint, Michigan are still stuck with drinking poisonous, untreated water.

So tell me again which country is the shithole?