
Hannity's Scaremonger of the Day

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/16/2009 8:33:39 pm PST

This is where we are at a crossroads.

Barbara Tuckman has a great book called The March of Folly. She in essence talks about how nations and groups of people can throw “good money after bad” with the notion that when we went a little that way and got extremely bad results, surely things would be better if we went a lot that way.

It is really coming down to level heads to try their best to prevail.

On the one side we have the moonbats who hate everything about America and the idea of America standing up for itself. They do this because, America, despite the fact that we usually are the good guys, does not always live up to our own high ideals. The moonbats are searching for any evidence that we really are the bad guys.

The worst thing we can do is ally ourselves with bad guys who claim to be on “our side.” If we do, any cogent argument we make will be drowned out by association. The other side is already primed to dismiss us.

Now, I am not arguing that we need to make ourselves more palatable to the moonbats. Please do not think I would suggest anything that stupid. There is no amount of logic in the world that will reach a moonbat.

I am suggesting that to keep America focused, as far as anti-jihad goes, we need to reach and keep the middle and the center left. We do not have to agree on any of the issues at all that normally divide left and right to agree that there is a real threat from the jihadis - if we can reasonably get through to people and keep them focused on the facts.

Because of the ascendancy of the more shrill left we already have an uphill battle on that front. If we have our representatives become the opposite number of the moonbats - I am imagining a lefty Zombie filming people like Vlaams Belang - any reasonable thing we say becomes the subject of ridicule by association.

At that point the Jihadis win because the Left still has it’s head in the sand.

We and that means you and me, need to maintain the most cogent tones possible. We need to not be at all like the bad guys, the ridiculous guys and the plain crazy guys attaching themselves onto our camp. If we fail at this we loose. It is that simple.