
Photo of the Day: Obama Forced to Flee Toddling Pursuer

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/09/2012 7:17:02 pm PDT

GOP Rep.: Defense cuts fears ‘a hysteria parade’

Maryland Rep. Roscoe Bartlett is not exactly toeing the party line when it comes to this winter’s threat of looming, across-the-board restrictions in military spending.

A senior Republican on the House Armed Services Committee and chairman of the Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee, Bartlett said the uproar among his GOP colleagues over the potential cuts amounts to what some would describe “as a hysteria parade.”

“We need to have a national dialogue on this,” Bartlett said. “We need to stop being so partisan on this. We need to stop dramatizing the thing.”


Bartlett is known for liking to swim upstream on occasions.