
Bill O'Reilly: "The Left Wants Power Taken Away From the White Establishment"

lawhawk12/21/2016 6:34:33 am PST

Yesterday, Obama issued an EO that protects some of the most threatened offshore waters around the US - in the Arctic and off the East Coast - from offshore drilling. The right wing got the vapors, including nitwits claiming that Obama abuses EOs and has issued 1,000 of them.

Nice try. That’s off by a factor of four. Obama has issued exactly 260 of them to date. That’s not just fewer than GWB or Bill Clinton or even Ronald Reagan, but it’s the fewest by any 2-term president since Grover Cleveland.

Far from being a president who expands power and is using EOs to trump Congressional obstructionism, Obama’s actually pushed a more limited view of the powers of the presidency - a position far more in line with the Founders than the so called constitutionalists in the GOP who are obstructing Obama’s nominee for Scalia’s replacement by refusing to even hold a hearing or a vote on Merrick Garland. That’s absolutely unprecedented in US history, but these right wing nitwits think that this is exactly what needs to be done. It’s the absolute pursuit of power and crushing all those before them.

All that’s left is for the GOP to revel in the hearing of the lamentations of the women (and they’re working on that with all due haste).