
The Copenhagen Diagnosis

Cato the Elder11/24/2009 4:12:37 pm PST

Let’s say you live on an island in the Pacific whose average elevation above sea level is eight inches.

Do you have the right to expect the seas never to rise?

What if you live on a fault line somewhere in California or China. Or under the shadow of a long-dormant volcano. Do you think you should be protected from what nature might decide to do?

Whether it’s GW or AGW, what hubris tells us we can control it?

I for one am not going to spend one minute of my remaining life worrying about global catastrophes. I’ve got reading to do.

If a green product comes within 10% of the lower-cost ecologically incorrect alternative, I’ll consider it. Otherwise, call me carbon-tainted, or an eco-pig. It neither breaks my bones nor picks my pocket.

And now I’m going to ignore future AGW threads.