
TIME: Why Cold Weather Doesn't Disprove Global Warming

jamesfirecat2/10/2010 1:16:00 pm PST

re: #156 Buck

I am just pointing out the FACT that you are ONCE AGAIN being too vague.

Carbon/Carbon Dioxide
Further from the sun (without stating further than what)
Yesterdays “Worse” (to whom, in what respect)
and that whole vague question you had yesterday… that was a good one.
and now the ever present “large amounts”.

I mean the planet has warmed before (which is how we got out of the big ice age, and the little ice age). And we don’t know if it was “large amounts” of CO2, or what caused the warming.

So maybe your question is does Rouge agree that humans are adding CO2 to the atmosphere at a rate more than scientists would expect to naturally appear?


Hey, don’t misunderstand me. I fully understand now why you are in such a rush…So I am just making a suggestion… to get you back on track…
No pressure…

The “further” was a genuine mistake on my part I admit that.

The “carbon” I thought it was acceptable LGF shorthand to use “carbon” to mean “carbon dioxide” though I’ll give you that Carbon monoxide is also a greenhouse gas, it just isn’t as common because anyone who knows how to “read” (as in understand the concepts associated with) a periodic table could see why to the molecules involved CO2 would be a preferable set up to CO2 to insure each atom has a fuller outer electron shell.

As for humans generating large amounts of CO2, how does seven tons over the last century sound?