
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Refuses to Accept Fox Host Chris Wallace's Abject Apology

SanFranciscoZionist6/27/2011 12:40:33 pm PDT

re: #39 marjoriemoon

I don’t agree. I think women have a harder time. Let me ask you, which male counterpart was ever asked what magazines they read or who Paul Revere is?

I’m not defending Palin. I hate her politics. I hated her politics 3 years ago, but it does get under my skin that women aren’t treated the same. Least, I don’t see it. We have to be that much tougher. Plenty of women blow off this kind of thing because they have to.

And here I’ll disagree a little—I think Palin got targeted because she was so obviously unprepared. It’s not that women don’t get asked condescending questions, it’s just that Kay Bailey Hutchinson, to name one female Republican, can answer them ably.